Chapter Twenty-one

To Ranma With Love




Subject: Update


Dear brother,


     Konnichiwa, Ranma-san. My dear brother, It has been far too long since we last saw you. It is so difficult to think that we are an ocean apart..except with the help of technology and high-speed internet. I am extremely happy that you finally installed DSL at the dojo. Cheapskate baka-kun.


   How is Akane-chan doing? Tell her that I miss her terribly. Even her horrible cooking and those random flying  objects to the skull. I hope that she is being a good wife.


     As for my own marital affairs, Bret and I are setting a wedding date. We are thinking next year. Please save a week to spend time in San Francisco in time for the wedding. We both really want a June wedding because that is when the city is least gloomy. Other than that, work is good. I enjoy working at  The San Francisco Chronicle and may be looking forward to a promotion soon.


     Brother, the weirdest thing has happened to me. I was eating lunch with my best friend Ryan Hitomi (the cute gay japanese guy I have been telling you so much about) and I had the faintest feeling I recognized one of his friends.  You were concerned about how Ryoga had mysteriously disappeared from Tokyo. Could it be possible that Ryoga is in San Francisco? I'll further investigate this mystery. So far, Ryan's not telling me anything except that this guy is indeed from Japan and he has had a very hard life. It does sound quite familiar doesn't it?


    Do keep in touch. And give Uu-chan all my love.


From your onee-chan,

                           Ranko Saotome




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